Thursday, April 11, 2013

The spot on the globe

The area I was born: Wolhynia

The area of my birth is on the maps but the name of that region changed thru the centuries and the people living there belonged to a dozen or more ethnic groups. 
They came from someplace else.They left ,got pushed out or joined forces .If you put in the race factors,the pre Christian period, the major and minor religious affiliations, and the major and minor political aspirations that crisscrossed the rolling wooded and grass covered flat land you observe a boiling pot that constantly overflowed from blood,pain,disappointment,and fear.Yet the pot never became empty.At the bottom of the cauldron was always hope for a new beginning...the driving force of all immigrants.Give me a fistful of dirt and I will survive and live and my children will have a better life in the future.I call this a hands on view for my fingernails seem to show it. Later during the high school years (1954-57),the tests pointed to a career as a farmer and pastor.I became neither.I must say I love gardening in all forms .So.... that is close.As a profession I chose chemistry,sales and crafting.Now I do transplanting but that will change for I am moving into a second floor condo. My crafting will continue and I will weave the 16 pointed star until my fingers give out.I hope that I have taught others and will continue to teach others so that the star will remain long after I have vanished into the dirt.

If you look at the Eastern European map....Wolhynien(German),Volhynia (Polish)),Volyn(Ukrainian) Wolhynia (English). The big town in the area is Luck (Lutzk)....Some of the villages are villages and new names.The rivers such as the Bug, Styr and the Prepiat and the swamps are still around and had been mentioned by my folks. Northwestern Ukraine...South of Belarus (White Russia),one can get a topographic map too, new roads and railroads.

Poland ----Polska

Glinischtsche---Gliniszcze/W of Kremenets , Rozhyshche,Volyn, Ukraine,was the village of my father's birth,August Kolewe on April 13, 1909.

Karolinowka (Karolinkow/W of Vitonizh) Rozhshche,Volyn,Ukraine
(village Ortwin Kolewe was born on March 24,1939 ( also spelled Karolinufka , Karolinuwka, Luck,Wolhynien,Ukraine)

Karloinow (Karolinowka/SE Kvasovylsia) Lutsk,Volyn,Ukraine is another village I found that exists today.

Wolhynien  or Wolynien---German                     
Wolhynia --English                                   Lodomeriae --- Latin as it appears in Vatican papers
Voluine or Volyne-----Lithuanian

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