Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Kolewe comes into the picture

August Lemke's struggle ended on March 6,1938 surrounded with his loving wife and friends at his bedside.
Here she was a young widow at 21 years of age, a two year old boy at her side and a farm to manage.While doing the dishes she told me straight out that she had to find someone fast who knew how to help work the land before she lost control to other members of the family.Well...another August was around who was robust and never sick in his life,good looking,6 feet plus tall, 28 years old and available.No matter the rumors...he was not afraid of anybody and never backed down from a challenge.The queen chose her defender and he accepted and the castle was save from all marauders.
They got married on June 7,1938.I was born on March 24 1939.The kingdom was safe and prospered.

The ruling classes of Europe messed things up and the little
paradise on earth was invaded.The boots and planes from
the West(Germany) and the Red Army and tanks(Russia) from the East.The calvary soldier in the Polish uniform(my Dad) was over run and the little kingdom faded into history.The castle and land was taken over by the local people...Ukrainians.Russia made a deal with Germany and divided Poland but Germany kept the money for the kingdom and kicked the Polish farmers off their lands in their share of Poland and placed the German farmers on their places without compensation.Some Polish farmers were so happy for the Germans that they even left hot food on some of their tables.No wonder that they kicked us around in the spring of 1945.
However Germany did keep faith after the greedy and ruthless guys and girls were send to hell with just about everybody and everything around.In the late 50s Germany did send my folks the money Russia paid for the lost kingdom but it was a nickel on the dollar.Of course my folks had to prove what they lost,No proof no compensation.I always thought that the Germans kept good records but blame the American planes...records were burned.So witnesses had to be found.The pastors from those villages were the best sources for the churches were private and support was usually based on land.My folks got the money and my older brother got his too based on his father's land.My brother build a house . It took him a while.He sold it
and became a builder.My folks bought an old house with 5 lots on the outskirts of Belvidere,Ill.Now they had land again,Yes smaller and they had a big garden,fruit trees,flowers,chickens,ducks,rabbits and bees. those bees did not like me for I was stung and nearly both of my eyes were swollen shut.The family teased me for I went to the hospital for I was sensitive.
With the old house came books.The owner was a widow and a pastor's wife.I was happy as a lark but my back is still sore because I just packed some of the book into boxes when our house was sold in Roseville,Mn. So...I keep books and like to stack them neatly.

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