The concentration camp weeks in Radziejow(Redichau)
The concentration days or weeks are a blur... only a few vivid memories seem to linger...the moan of my old uncle Fritz Kolewe under the steps ,,,my old great aunt(my Uncle Johann Kolewe's Mother-In-Law dead body laid out on a board ,the bad Mother coming down with typhoid...
With time the Polish authority came to their senses and stopped this revenge taking and offered the Polish farmers free labor...the Germans in the camp.They had to take the whole families and give them shelter,work and workers were scarce and good treatment was up to the farmer.However...a 10y boy seemed to be regarded as old enough to be separated from his family...he would be only 10 to 15 km as a crow flies away from them...that is how my older brother Art was split away in June 1945 and left out of my journey until reunification thru the International Red Cross and International agreement to allow minors to join their families even if it meant going to West Germany...that happened in the middle of 1949...our family grew by two that sister Gudrun was born in July and Poland lost a free brother Art.He has never been compensated for the years he spend there...he has his own story to tell.
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